Hello! I’m Somnius.

A white tiger, with a glitchy right eye, reclines backwards on a kitchen counter. They’re holding a latte with leafy latte art drawn in the liquid in their paws, a music note appearing in a speech bubble next to their muzzle.

I’m a nonbinary, achromatic, polyamorous, sleepy robot tiger. Any pronouns are good to refer to me. I like indie & rhythm games, making espresso drinks, coding, hiking, high-quality audio, and lots more.

I taught myself how to code the front-end (HTML / CSS / JS) of websites for a living, and have a Bachelor’s degree in UI/UX design.

This is my personal website—my online haven—where I share my thoughts, what I’m working on, and whatever else I like.


Posts about various topics that I’ve written.


I think of myself as different internal parts that all work together. These posts describe more about what that means to me.


Email: meow@somni.us

Electronic mail sent at the speed of light. We truly live in an age of wonders with all this technology, don’t we? ;3

Mastodon: somnius@merveilles.town

For more short-form posting. Runs on Hometown, a fork of base Mastodon. I administer and moderate this instance.

Bluesky: @somni.us

Login required. Short-form posting based on the AT Protocol. Occasionally NSFW on here.

Twitter / X: @_Somnius

Good ol’ birdsite. I post here occasionally but not as much any more.

Telegram: @Somnius

My main messaging app. Not likely to respond to out-of-the-blue messages, please tell me who you are if you talk to me here.



The static site generator this site is made with, created by Alexander Cobleigh.

Tohfu (NSFW)

The artist who made the image of Somnius, above, that I commissioned.